Regardless of where you are or what you are doing, your number one goal is to protect your children at all costs. This is especially true when you are in an environment that is full of opportunities for your child to hurt themselves like camping. There are, however, precautionary measures you can take to ensure that your child is likely to return home in the same condition they were in when you packed up the car for you weekend camping trip. Continue reading below to learn how to best protect your children in the great outdoors.

  1. Teach them about poisonous plantsdreamstime_xxl_15540350
    There are plenty of plants that can be found in nature that can be touched. There are also others that should be avoided at all costs. Teach your child which plants are poisonous and should under no circumstances be touched when you are camping.
  2. Fire safety is a must
    Although your child is rarely exposed to open flames, camping is one of the rare occurrences when they are. Teach them to move slowly around fire to avoid anything unexpected catching a flame and also be sure to go over stop, drop, and roll in case their clothing somehow does come into contact with the fire.
  3. Wearing the right clothes and shoes
    There are so many things in the environment capable of cutting your child’s skin or the bottoms of their feet. Be sure to teach your child that there are clothes and shoes you wear while camping and that there are other you do not. Flip flops, for example, are not adequate shoes to wear in the wilderness.

Jellystone of Estes Park is a very safe place for children to visit but we like to know that your child will be prepared and safe regardless of whether you come to our campground or another one!