Something magical happens when your camping, it seems like every activity you do is fun and novel. This is especially true with your meals. The foods you eat take on a whole new enjoyment when they are consumed while camping. Before heading to your Estes Park campground, stop at the store and pick up ingredients for these camping dishes.

A big pot of chili is the quintessential camping delicacy. Now, you might choose to just buy a few cans of the stuff at the grocery store, but you would be missing out. We suggest you make a big batch of it at home and bring it along, homemade is really the only way to go. The beauty of chili is you can make it with meat, vegetarian style, mild or burn your mouth spicy.

Hot dogs are to camping like fireworks are to Independence Day, an absolute necessity. There is just nothing on this earth that compares to grilling a dog on an open fire. Hot dogs are a great camping food because they are inexpensive and simple to prepare. We like ours with mustard and relish.

Greet the mountain morning air with a flapjack or six. Pancakes are a simple food whose aroma will wake even the heaviest of sleepers. Just make sure you pack plenty of maple syrup.

Lastly, make sure you pack chocolate, marshmallows and graham crackers so your family can enjoy s’mores. No camping trip is complete until your have stuffed your mouth with this gooey goodness. Just have plenty of moist wipes handy.

And when your done with your s’mores, put out the fire and go to bed.